Social Marketing and Communication Systems

The social media marketing as a separate field arises with the separation from traditional marketing (which includes the Web).

This separation is first of all communicative: traditional marketing still privileges frontal communication (e.g. advertising), while social marketing involves active consumer participation through feedback, comments and other methods typical of social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).

The social media marketing company programs provide ad hoc communication strategies for the brand’s target , enabled by the collection of pay-per-click data and directed to an audience that, in addition to receiving, can and must be more or less aware, with its likes, comments etc.

Being the social marketing son of a new form of corporate communication, for the success of a strategy based on it or for the simple understanding of its mechanisms (which is the same); a brief preliminary analysis of the communication processes that generated it is necessary and thanks to which it is continuously generated.

Company (brand) and consumer (public)

Company (brand) and consumer (public) are the roles among which marketing communication has always been positioned.

They themselves have been structured by this communicative model, a model that social media marketing aims to re-discuss.

Re-discussing the communicative model between company and consumer, therefore, means to some extent re-discuss the very figure of the company and the consumer.

The brand, in fact, intended as a large company equipped with technical and technological equipment (macroscopic and unitary structure); hardly able to act as an interlocutor of a simple communication, on the model of personal conversation, as that which occurs on social networks for comments, likes, messages.

A consumer can hardly believe a communication with a multinational company or a large company credible. Even in the case of a simpler communication such as that based on likes or various feedbacks (surveys, surveys), a consumer will be more obstructed to think that a large company needs its contribution.

How to face the new paradigm?

That’s why large companies often aim to miniaturize, to hide their size behind craft-like productions (eg Barilla, which in response to comments on the poor quality of industrial production responds with links to the website and rarely gets a concrete result on social) ; This is especially so because in these times we live the boom of artisanal productions also on websites where social marketing is fundamental, from word of mouth to direct communication.

Approaching as much as possible to the consumer to allow adequate communication requires the commitment to companies that come from other marketing settings, small businesses, those newly born or otherwise craft production start with a great advantage on this front, allowing immediately a communication profitable and desirable for the consumer.

The public, always in the case of small action, easily recognizes that it can play an important role in the growth of the company and is loyal to it, approaching it, helping it, not for the spirit of help, but even before for the power of individualization and the sense of belonging that generates being among the few to support a production.

The hype, the key point of social marketing, is experienced in the deep of the individual, far beyond the passing of directions and classic cookie-style suggestions.

The brand that becomes a person

Lidl, for example, managed to capitalize on some ironic comments on the Facebook page ” Memorable comments ”.

To do this, he acted not as a simple producer, but as a communicative personality capable of modulating himself beyond the simple promotion of the product.

This is important because an example like that of Lidl would seem to contradict what has been said about the difficulty of inserting itself in the communication of social marketing by the big brands. Only apparently, however, for two reasons: the first is that social marketing, in this case, has been mediated by a Facebook page, which is an organic entity to the system of social media and communication that characterizes them.

The brand confined itself to making its own what had initially developed to the outside with far more intent. The second is that the entry into the communication by, in this case, the Lidl, has succeeded thanks to a radical break with the corporate communication regime normally based on the simple promotion or persuasion of its products.

Accept, commenting in turn, an ironic comment made by a Facebook page apparently completely alien to the dynamics of corporate marketing; has created for Lidl a rift in which to fit skillfully and with excellent results.

This example, while not contradicting what has been argued, is also useful to highlight what can be the ways in which a company even medium-large size can take advantage of social marketing in its favor. It is essential to remain vigilant and open about every web phenomenon, even when apparently distant from the sphere of interest, to fully exploit the possibilities of a communication system as elastic as that of social networks.

At this point, it is clear how everything is played on the individuality of the consumer, definitely reversing the communicative scheme that saw him as part of an indistinct and standardized ‘public’.

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