10 Best WordPress Plugin for Beginners

| June 10, 2017 | WORDPRESS

Your National Identity Card is your Identification, everybody knows you because of your NIC. Same happen for website owners, they are always are worried about their website SEO. In this Competition and Fast Technology age there are every hard competition. Well SEO, extend as Search Engine Optimization and it is the identification of any website. Good SEO is stands up website on the top page of search engine and bad SEO will push it back. In this article we will discuss about top 10 WordPress plugins. Every new beginners must have WordPress plugins to make SEO better in 2017.

All in One SEO:

All in one SEO

I will recommend you first of all install All in One SEO Pack to optimize your WordPress website for SEO. It’s easy and works very well especially for beginners, and also has many advanced features and have one million active users as well as five star rating. This is top rated WordPress plugin in 2017.

Yoast SEO:

Yoast SEO

More than one million active user of Yoast SEO and high rating make it separate and helps you blog to bring in the top of Search engine. Friendly environment of this plugins helps beginners in SEO, mostly successful blogger use this plugin. We can call this the complete book of SEO, and Yoast is step by step guide for beginners.

Google XML Sitemaps:

Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps is one of the best tool offer by the Google Company and its official plugin offer by Google. It’s allow you to create a complete sitemap of your website and also send automatically to search engines.

Smush Image Compression and Optimization:

Smush Image Compression and Optimization

Images are playing vital role in any website and get attraction of visitor to stay on website and force them to come back again. Smush Image Compression and Optimization is one of the best free WordPress plugins for blogs to optimize your images in Search Engine.

Broken Link Checker:

Broken Link Checker

Broken link checker is comes and check the broken links of your whole website from Pages, Comments, Images and Video links and inform you to work on that broken links. Its helps you to know about your website broken links to fix them easily. Broken links are badly effects on Search Engine result and push your website down.

Add to Any Share Button

AddToAny Share Buttons

Sharing is Caring, one of the biggest and best WordPress plugin that allows visitor to share your blog post on social media more than hundred social media sharing websites. Sharing on social media will helps your WordPress blogs to bring maximum traffic and helps your website to quickly index in search engines.

Last Modified Timestamp:

Last Modified Timestamp

Last modified timestamp comes across and inform search engine about the latest update on your blog post. This tiny and small plugin is very easy to use and once you install, it need no more to do and it will always work automatically.

Jetpack by WordPress.com:

Jetpack by WordPress

Jetpack by WordPress plugin is come with a lot of futures, it’s show you the live stats of your website, show the related post at the bottom of your posts, social sharing buttons, backup your site, boost your WordPress website speed and show the popular posts in widgets area. I recommend that you must have this WordPress plugins for bloggers.

MailChimp for WordPress:

MailChimp for WordPress

E-mails are playing very big role in every successful business as well as every communication and information. So for better SEO of you WordPress blog you must have the regular reader of your posts and for this MailChimp for WordPress is better option to keep your readers e-mail list. Once you install this plugin, it’s allow visitor to subscribe easily after subscription when you publish any new post, it will automatically send by MailChimp to your reader’s inbox.



Spamming is big problem for web developers well there is a nice solution of Spam in the Shape of Akismet Plugin. More than one million users use this plugin for protection of website from spammers. It also aids moderators in viewing the quantity of accepted comments for every user, along with the URLs in the comment section and this way the doubtful links can be deleted. It remains as a free plugin for blogspots and personal websites, while for business websites a subscription is required.

If you have any question, any opinion or any suggestion about this post, don’t hesitate to write is in below comment box. We will always give you positive response. Happy WordPress Blogging.

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