Applications of Big Data in Social Media Marketing

Big data in social media can be a game changer as long as you can design consumer preferences that will lead to sales and attract more clients. Here are some of the ways you can apply big data in your social media marketing to achieve tremendous success.

Vision Recognition

Using big data in social media to recognize images that are in your pictures will help you to generate custom classifiers. Once you upload a picture, the application will return terms that are a representation of the things that it has identified in the picture like objects and events. You may train your app on particular image sets such as logos to recognize any customized images on a real-time basis. As a marketer, this method will assist you to detect clients who are posting on the social media pages of your brand, and this will prompt you to engage them.

Personality Insights

Use of big data in the application of social media can assist you in analyzing personality attributes from various posts like social media and emails to get the right insights from individuals. You will be able to uncover a deep understanding of the requirements of people, personalities, characteristics, and those values that drive rationalization. Outputs from big data can provide a profile that has three personalities whose dimensions are values, needs, and the five big attributes that define the way people interact with the world. Personality insights assist marketers to get a holistic understanding of their audience given the available social media data and demographic information. You will be able to personalize your interactions with customers as long as you understand their needs. This will, in turn, enhance the level of conversation.


The use of big data can also help you in targeting those customers who have a high likelihood of buying. Most marketers will tell you that advertisement is one of the most significant outcomes of big data. You can use this information to test functional messages and make relevant adjustments to your plans just in case the current ones are not working. You can also take advantage of the data to test and predict the most likely reactions to particular messages from consumers. This undertaking means that you can test headlines using a small sample from the target population and then forward them to the individuals whose likelihood of opening them is high. After that, you can use open rates and click through to qualify your leads into the necessary sales funnel.


Marketers also use big data to find the right data for their products. From this point, you will be able to set the correct supply changes and change your placements if there is a need. The number of ads that appear in the newspapers has been on the decline, and most people are now erecting a paywall or going online to incorporate a paid or free online campaign. It’s vital to determine the correct move as you can make a placement with the assistance of big data.


You can also use big data in social media if you are looking for the correct insights for your product. You will be able to conduct a quantitative and qualitative online market survey about your products. Online research tools and video conferencing will pay attention to smaller groups and will research with a lot of speed. You will be able to view all the social media mentions for your brand from clients. You will also analyze and review the data from the social assets you have like blogs and pages.

There has been a significant increase in the number of customers who are interacting with various brands locally through the available social media channels. Using big data in social media will help you in track analyzing your client’s behavior from multiple social media platforms. You will be able to open the interaction of your brand with customers within a few minutes. Applying big data in social media marketing can take place in the form of vision recognition, personality insights, promotion, placement, and products. You can leverage on all these opportunities by integrating all of them in your social media marketing campaigns. However, the specific application of each of them will vary depending on the nature of your brand.

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